The stuff that smiles are made of…

Row, row, row your boat: Here’s a world record worth reporting: a high school teacher used his summer break to row 2,000 miles across the Atlantic in 38 days, 6 hours and 49 minutes, says the Association of Mature American Citizens [AMAC]. Bryce Carlson, who teaches at Seven Hills School in Madisonville, OH, crossed the Atlantic alone from Canada to England, topping the previous solo record of some 53 days. He told reporters: “I capsized about a dozen times, give or take. All occurred while I was inside the cabin, most while I was awake, “tailbone pretty badly.” On the bright side, he lost between 10 and 15 pounds.


A dog-eat-dog competition: The sport of surfing is going to the dogs. At least it is in Pacifica, CA, which hosted this year’s World Dog Surfing Championships, reports the Association of Mature American Citizens [AMAC]. The event, which is billed as “the premier dog surfing” competition, first took place in 2006 in San Diego. It was a won of a kind contest that has since spawned similar events around the world.


They said it wouldn’t last: And, here’s a world record that requires stamina, according to the Association of Mature American Citizens [AMAC]. It’s the one for the oldest living married couple. The record keepers at Guinness announced recently that a Japanese couple managed to celebrate their 80th wedding anniversary due to their longevity. He is 108-years-young and she is a mere 100.


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