The stuff that smiles are made of…

The good thief: She left her wallet, containing $160, at a Walmart store in Clinton, AR. She returned and retrieved the wallet but found that a thief had removed the cash. But the crook turned out to be “a good thief” and, according to the Association of Mature American Citizens [AMAC], a few days later anonymously dropped off an envelope at the police station. It contained the stolen cash and a note addressed: “To the lady that left her wallet at Walmart.” It read, in part, “please forgive me as I always strive to have integrity, and that day I failed miserably.”


A hairy story: A six-month old baby girl in Japan has become something of an international celebrity after her mother posted photos of her sporting a full head of “lush” black hair. The Association of Mature American Citizens [AMAC] reports that “Baby Chanco,” as the infant is known, has some 150,000 followers on Instagram. Her hair has been growing so fast and thick since her birth that her Mom has been taking her to a beauty parlor for frequent haircuts.


Fly me to the moon: Here’s a gift for newlyweds that is truly out of this world: a titanium plaque etched with their names that will orbit the earth in space for a hundred or more years. The Association of Mature American Citizens [AMAC] says the Warp Space Company of Japan offers to launch the personalized commemorative wedding plaques into space for $270 each. Interested? Email them for more information.


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