The stuff smiles are made of…

Merry Christmas: It’s Christmas in July, at least for 150 Santas who traveled from around the world to attend the 61st World Santa Claus Congress in Copenhagen, according to the Association of Mature American Citizens [AMAC]. One Santa from the U.S., who has attended the event for 12 years in a row, told the Reuters News Agency that more and more Kris Kringles have been choosing to dress like an American Santa. Danish Santas, for example, have traded in their traditional gray suits for red suits, white fur trimmed nightcaps, black boots and wide black belts. And, if you doubt the popularity of Old Saint Nick in the non-English speaking world, consider this: Japanese kids are now among the world’s most prolific writers of letters to Santa. As they say in Japan during Yuletide, Merīkurisumasu!


Harken to the swan song: England’s annual swan count is underway. The “Swan Upping,” as they call it, is an 800-year-old traditional way of counting how many swans live on the Thames River, says the Association of Mature American Citizens [AMAC]. Starting in the 12th Century the mute swans of England were declared to be the property of the ruling monarch. They were considered a delicacy in those days, a meal fit for a king or a queen. They don’t eat swans any more; modern monarchs are environmentally minded. Instead, Upping is an eco-friendly way to keep track of the swan population.


Used couch gets ‘friended’ on Facebook: Someone disposed of a used couch along a road in West Melbourne, FL and it quickly became the town’s hot spot. It didn’t take long for local residents to begin accessorizing the sidewalk sofa. Locals soon provided such conveniences as a throw rug, a coffee table and various and sundry other decorative and practical items. There are no immediate plans to remove the couch. Residents seem have grown fond of it, even creating a Facebook page for the settee with more than 6,000 followers.


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